High Lights

1. Loan advanced at any time based on the principle subscriptions. This provides you a unique advantage of borrowing funds.

2. Bank procedures are cumbersome,where as a subscriber in our chit schemes enjoys quick and easy procedures.

3. Prized subscribers are also eligible for dividend. Cheque commission etc.

4. Our director is the Member of All Kerala Chit Fund Association and The Member of All Kerala Private Bankers Association(AKPBA) and now holding the post as Working President.

5. Ambalamedu Financiers functioning just like a parallel banking service, Registered as per KML Act 1958 (Kerala Govt.Approved Banking Business).

6. Financing on gold pledging

The rate of interest is comparatively cheaper and procedures for granting loans are very quick and easy. The faith you have entrusted in our financing gives us confidence to constantly strive for excellence and serve you better.

news & Updates

This year (2024) is indeed a great milestone in the history of Ambalamedu Chit Fund. We are celebrating the 53th year of chit operations.